Pheasant hunt is a hunting package for every hunter who prefers smaller hunting groups in a friendly circle with lower game catches, but demands a hunting experience, active movement and a traditional concept of hunting.
Here, everything will come true for him in one place, because the pheasantry Hluboká nad Vltavou extends into the Schwarzenberger estate. This history breathes in every corner of the vast area of the pheasant (historical buildings, mature trees, alleys, bright grazing forests, castle, ponds and others).
The hunting package takes place in hunting groups of 3 – 6 hunters with a minimum number of 20 pheasants caught per hunter. During the crawl, the hunters pass through various meadows with mature tree rows, alternating with meadows. Other treatments take place in the forest part of the pheasant or in the reed area. It is hunted on 350 hectares.
Each loch is different, which for hunters means a varied hunt throughout the day. The number of treatments and the time schedule varies depending on the hunters wishes, shooting skills and the number of pheasants taken.
Snacks are included in the price throughout the day. The snack takes place on the shore of the pond with a beautiful view of the majestic castle Hluboká nad Vltavou.
The hunt is one-day, but a two-day hunt can also be held, including accommodation in the pheasant area, which provides hunters with very good facilities with a common room and several rooms to sleep in without having to leave the area.
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Podmínky lovu v České republice– více informací po kliknutí na odkazu
Průběh lovu se řídí obchodními podmínkami poskytovatele a jeho pokynů. Nedodržení pokynů poskytovatele může vést k předčasnému ukončení lovu bez náhrady vrácení peněz nebo k uhrazení sankcí (nedovolený lov zvěře, ke které nemá lovec oprávnění lovit, aj.). Lov podléhá české legislativě.