Hunting ground Gírová

A hunting area Gírová is located in a beautiful mountain countryside at the Easternmost tip of the Czech Republic. This is a border hunting area with the Slovak Republic and Poland.

Although it is a mountain hunt, the accessibility is very good from all three states, and each hunter can get here safely with a regular car.

A visit to the Gírová hunting are is not only about hunting. Hunters can visit Trojmezi, which is the meeting point of the state borders of three countries. If hunters are keen on monumental buildings, it is definitely worth visiting the Valy bridge, which is a part of the Slovak highway D3. It is the highest bridge in Slovakia with a height of 84 meters and a length of over 500 meters.

Here, hunters can hunt red deer, wild boar and roe deer in large numbers.


Czech Republic, Moravian-Silesian Region

About the chase

Area: 1619
Area: Mountains
Species: Mountain

Most of the Gírová hunting area is forested with healthy mountain spruce forests. Another abundant tree is the beech, which forms parts of lighted beech forests. Coupled with the hilly terrain, these forests provide perfect visibility for hunters while stalking red deer.

In the hunt you can find countless fields and mountain meadows with scattered solitary trees. Mountain meadows offer animals the opportunity to graze throughout the summer. It is in these open areas that you can get to know the local wildlife from comfortable pulpits.

The terrain is mountainous with an average altitude of 840 m.a.s.l. From a hill to a steep valley and back to a hill. If the hunter decides to hunt by scrolling, he must be physically fit.

On the other hand, this method of hunting opens up beautiful hunting experiences associated with  traversing a truly large mountain hunting area (over 1,600 hectares) and approaching the game in a completely different terrain than most of the territory of the Czech Republic.

A full day’s hunting can hardly be completed, so hunters can look forward to constantly new places to visit during their hunting expedition.

The accommodation is provided in nearby guesthouses.

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