Pheasantry Hluboká

The Hluboká pheasantry in the immediate vicinity of the Hluboká castle in South Bohemia belongs to the historical heritage of our country.

Pheasantry Hluboká was built during the 19th century. The pheasantry is almost level and yet extremely rugged. Its area is over 600 hectares, of which 350 hectares are used for pheasant hunts.

Small game hunters in the pheasantry can hunt common pheasant, red grouse and, as a supplement, Reeves´s pheasant.

The environment of the Hluboká pheasantry and its surroundings has been written for several centuries by the hands of the Schwarzenberg family, to whom this locality belonged. Historic buildings, parks, extensive ponds and the Hluboká Castle form an unmistakable panorama for hunters during the hunt.

Czech Republic, South Bohemian Region

About the chase

Area: 350
Area: Lowland
Species: Miscellaneous (Fields/ Forests)

Pheasantry Hluboká is a non-hilly area with its terrain, but thanks to centuries-old rows of trees, grazing forest, draws, ponds and other landscape-forming elements, The pheasantry is a vast oasis of untouched nature.

The center of the pheasant and at the same time the historical core consists of mature avenues lining the roads and beech grazing forests. Some plots are actively farmed by farmers. Thanks to this, shelter and high nutritive value of the pheasant is ensured in the natural way in the fields.

During the hunt, hunters pass through the area and various treats await them. From English lech, through windbreaks, reeds near ponds to draws with forests that test shooting skills.

Both high-flying pheasants are hunted here, and in the forest shooters have to master speed and dexterity among the trees.

In the pheasant house, facilities are prepared for hunters in the form of a beautiful grove with a social room on the ground floor. Pleasant rooms await guests on the first floor, so hunters can spend several days here without having to leave the premises.

On the bank of the pond with a view of the Hluboká castle, a shelter is built, where snacks are held during the hunts.

The vicinity of the pheasant farm is ready for tourist enjoyment. There is golf, a zoo, historical monuments and many cultural facilities.

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