Hunting ground Radeč

Honitba Radeč is situated in the heart of  Český ráj, which is a natural gem of the Liberec region.

Český ráj is a unique location with rock formations that rise above mature spruce and pine forests. The rocks are visible from a distance, but imagine hunting medal rams under these rocks. It takes every hunter’s breath away.

The Radeč hunting area is interspersed with forest and hiking trails. However, there is a large population of ungulates. Mouflons, roe deer, wild boars, and the European fallow deer also appear here.

You can still meet an original population of pheasant, which proves the picturesqueness and diversity of this countryside.

Czech Republic, Liberec region

About the chase

Area: 800
Area: Highlands
Species: Miscellaneous (Meadows/ forests)

The hunting area is fragmented into several parts. Of course, the most beautiful, but also the most challenging area is the area between the rock formations, there are forests under the rocks with very steep valleys. This terrain will really test  each hunter´s physical condition.

The second part of ​​the hunting area is the open landscape, where you can hunt in meadows and fields from pleasant pulpits on a generally flat terrain.

Hunting guides offer to accompany the hunter, according to one´s physical consition) and can find game in almost every part of the forest and fields.

Hunting is more forest than field. Out of the total area of ​​800 hectares, the forest has a total of 600 hectares, but it is not strictly a forest complex, but rather a number of composite small forests and draws together.

The forests are of different ages. From mature pines and spruces to thickets with conditions for wild boars.

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Important information

  • To hunt: Mouflon, Wild boar

  • 180 ha meadows and fields, 600 ha forest, 20 ha water area

  • Accommodation in Bohemia Inn in Turnov

  •  Václav Have Airport  -105 km

  • 26 high tree stands

  • {%ALT_TEXT%}
    Mouflon 230 CIC, hunted 2024
  • Arranging of driven hunts to wild boars

  • Other activities: tourism, sightseeing

Hunt on the map

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