Hunting Area Markvarec

Hunting area Markvarec is located in a beautiful region of  Ústí, which is full of hop farms and beautiful views of the adjacent České Středohoří between Žatec and Rakovník

In the hunting area Markvarec, there  is 90% a forest, but also in several places there are fields that are very attractive for cloven-hoofed game, such as wild boar, sika deer,  fallow deer, red deer and the abundantly represented roe deer.

In the autumn, the Markvarec hunting area hosts driven hunts of wild boars, which are perfectly organized and the number of hunted game always reach several dozen pieces of cloven-hoofed game.


Czech Republic, Usti region

About the chase

Area: 929
Area: Highlands
Species: Forest

The Markvarec hunting area directly offers views of vast fields with hops on one side, where they are lined in the distance by the lonely hills of the České Středohoří and, on the other side of the hunting ground, you can observe large hilly mounds and “endless” forest complexes.

Of course, forest complexes are not endless, but they are vast in size. Thanks to its terrain, the composition of the forest and the overall nutritional value of the area, almost all ungulates living in our territory are abundantly represented here.

The species representation of trees in the forest consists mainly of spruce, pine, beech and less represented trees such as larch, birch, maple and others, which together form mixed forests.

Due to its fragmentation, the hunting is suitable for walking and stalking, which is a suitable way for both sika deer and fallow deer. During a hunting trip, a hunter can walk several tens of kilometers.

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