How to hunt in the Czech Republic – foreigners

Legally required documents for hunting in the Czech Republic

People with permanent residence, as well as foreigners, can hunt in the Czech Republic. You will learn what is needed for such a hunt and how to fulfill the obligations given by law in this article.

For citizens of the Czech Republic, hunting in the Czech Republic is subject to a valid firearms license, hunting license, hunting permit, as well as necessary liability insurance in the limit amount of at least CZK 20 million with an insurance coverage limit of at least CZK 500,000 per insured event. At the same time, citizens must be blameless.

For foreigners, the conditions set by law are the same as for citizens with permanent residence, however, these hunters must keep in mind the conditions associated with traveling with a weapon in EU countries in the Schengen area and outside the EU.


Foreigns hunters hunt in the Czech republic

If a foreigner wants to hunt in the Czech Republic and moves in the so-called Schengen area (EU member countries), he can freely travel with a category C weapon with an adequate amount of ammunition for the purpose of the trip to the given country. However, the foreigner must prove the purpose of the trip (invitation to hunt or a similar document) and must have a European firearms passport.

You can read a more detailed description of traveling with a weapon on this link directly on the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.

In the case of travel outside "Schengen", i.e. from third countries, no special permit is required. The procedure is in accordance with: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No. 258/2012 of March 14, 2012.

Article 9

1.  Simplified procedures for the temporary export or re-export of firearms, their components, main parts and ammunition shall be applied as follows:


an export permit is not required:


from hunters or sports shooters for the temporary export of weapons that are part of their travel personal belongings during a trip to a third country, provided that they properly justify their trip to the competent authorities, in particular by presenting an invitation or other proof of their hunting or sports activities in the destination third country, for temporary export:

one or more firearms,

of their main parts, if marked, and parts,

ammunition related to these weapons up to a maximum of 800 rounds per hunter and a maximum of 1200 rounds per sport shooter,


from hunters or sports shooters for the re-export of firearms that are part of their travel personal belongings, after their temporary use for the purposes of hunting or sport shooting, provided that these firearms remain in the possession of a person established outside the customs territory of the Union and are re-exported to this about myself.


When leaving the customs territory of the Union through the territory of a Member State other than the Member State where they reside, hunters and sports shooters shall present to the competent authorities a European firearms passport in accordance with Articles 1 and 12 of Directive 91/477/EEC. In the case of air transport, the European firearms passport shall be presented to the competent authorities when the relevant goods are handed over to the airline for the purpose of their transport outside the customs territory of the Union.

When leaving the customs territory of the Union through the Member State where they reside, hunters and sports shooters may present another document, instead of the European firearms passport, that the competent authorities of that Member State consider valid for this purpose.


The competent authorities of a Member State shall suspend the export procedure for a period not exceeding ten days or, if necessary, otherwise prevent firearms, their parts and main parts or ammunition from leaving the customs territory of the Union through the territory of that Member State, if they have reasonable suspicion , that the reasons given by the hunters or sports shooters are not in accordance with the relevant considerations and obligations set forth in Article 10. In exceptional circumstances and in duly justified cases, the period specified in this letter may be extended to 30 days.


Other requirements for meeting the conditions for hunting in the Czech Republic for foreigners

  • European gun passport
  • hunting documents for foreigns
  • insurance of hunting
  • hunting license
  • hunting invitation


European gun passport

The European firearms passport is issued by the relevant police authority in the given country to natural persons who have a registered permanent residence there. The duration of the European firearms passport is 5 years. The individual must be an authorized gun owner. The prescribed forms are used for the application.

Hunting documents for foreigns

Issuance of a hunting license is subject to Czech legislation (449/2001 Sb. Zákon o myslivosti ve znění pozdějších předpisů).

The condition is a minimum age of 16, integrity, insurance and legal capacity. Foreigners who apply for a hunting license for less than 30 days (which is enough time for most hunting packages) can replace the extract from the criminal record with a valid hunting license from their country of residence.

A hunting license is issued to foreigners by the State Hunting Administration Authority in the district in which they stay during the hunt. For this reason, we recommend that foreigners cooperate with hunting providers who are able to provide this information and valid documents.

If a foreigner wants to obtain a valid hunting license in the Czech Republic, he must contact the State Hunting Administration Authority in the area where he is staying and will be hunting. This means a municipality with extended scope (the nearest city to the given locality)

In order to issue a hunting license for foreigners, it is necessary to provide a citizen's card (EU) or a passport; a hunting license issued in your own country and compulsory liability insurance.

The price of a hunting license for 30 days is set at 70 CZK (3 Euro)

Hunting insurance

Every hunter who hunts in the Czech Republic must have a mandatory liability insurance of at least 20 million CZK with an insurance coverage limit of at least 500,000 CZK per insured event. It is also a condition for granting a hunting license in the Czech Republic. Insurance can be arranged, for example,  insurance company Halali.

Hunting permit and invitation to hunt

The hunting permit is always issued by the hunting provider with whom you book the hunt, and at the same time they should also provide you with a hunting invitation or other document that you can present to the police control when traveling across the border with a weapon, for example, in order to justify the purpose of your trip.


Providers process documents for foreigners

In most cases, the providers themselves process the documents for foreigners who want to hunt on the territory of the Czech Republic. In order for the provider to offer these services, each hunting offer must be accompanied by a document pictogram.

Picture 1: Processing of documents for hunters from abroad

For this, cooperation is required from the hunters in the form of the delivery of appropriate documents or their copies at the request of the provider:

Here are the necessary documents from hunters from abroad:

  • in the case of a request to process documents for foreigners, together with the reservation, send a copy of your hunting license in your country, firearms license in your country or license. In addition, a copy of the identity card (EU) or passport for processing a hunting license and insurance in the Czech Republic
    • Name and surname;
      Permanent residence
      Identity card (EU) or passport number


We hope you found this information useful. In case of further questions, do not hesitate to contact us at, or other information can also be found at FAQ.

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